A self-proclaimed “Agile Philosopher”, Christopher “Ax” Axthelm spends most of his days leading a software development and system administration teams working with satellites at NASA’s Goddard campus. When he’s not working, Ax takes every opportunity to champion Agile as a philosophy and better development team processes to anyone who’ll listen, hoping to help make the lives of software developers, testers, system admins, and project managers much easier.
The blog consists general categories of posts
- All about Agile as a philosophy
- Using the various methodologies (Scrum, Kanban, etc.)
- Software development management (Tickets, tools, personnel, TDD, etc.)
Keep an eye out for updates to the major projects Ax is working on!
- Feature Focus Lean methodology
- “Is that Agile?” book
Follow or connect with me on LinkedIn or Projectmanagement.com
- https://www.linkedin.com/company/agile-axiom/
- https://www.projectmanagement.com/profile/ChristopherAxthelm